Marija Brūvele (Mary)
Middle sized shrub, few thorns only on tops of shoots. Average number of thorns on 10 cm of shoot length is 1,2. Fruits located on dense clusters, light orange, weight of 100 fruits is 50 – 80 g.* In Latvia ripens at the beginning of September, harvesting period until fruits get overripened is about three weeks. Comparatively resistant against fungal and bacterial pathogens**. Fruits are used for juice and oil production. Detaching index of frozen fruits is 71 ***. Most popular variety for commercial orchards.

* Weight of fruits depends on availability of water and nutrients
** Resistance of sea buckthorn against pathogens Verticillium dahliae ,Stygmina sp., Pseudomonas sp. depends on conformity of varieties to climate and proper conditions of growing.
*** Detaching index of frozen fruits indicates how many percents of fruits fall off from defoliated fruit branch, that has been frozen to – 25°C and thrown down to solid metallic plate from height of 1 m. It is important parameter, when fruits are shaken off from frozen branches. As larger the index, as easier is process.
Low growing shrub with few thorns. Average number of thorns on 10 cm of shoot length is 2,1. Fruits located on dense clusters, dark orange, weight of 100 fruits is 50 – 90 g.* In Latvia ripens at the end of August, harvesting period until fruits get overripened is about two weeks. Comparatively resistant against fungal and bacterial pathogens.** Fruits are used for juice and oil production. High content of valuable pulp oil – 5%. Detaching index of frozen fruits is 96.***

* Weight of fruits depends on availability of water and nutrients
** Resistance of sea buckthorn against pathogens Verticillium dahliae ,Stygmina sp., Pseudomonas sp. depends on conformity of varieties to climate and proper conditions of growing.
*** Detaching index of frozen fruits indicates how many percents of fruits fall off from defoliated fruit branch, that has been frozen to – 25°C and thrown down to solid metallic plate from height of 1 m. It is important parameter, when fruits are shaken off from frozen branches. As larger the index, as easier is process.
Botanicheskaya Ljubitelskaya
Middle sized shrub, few thorns only on tops of shoots. Average number of thorns on 10 cm of shoot length is 2,3. Fruits located on dense clusters, dark yellow, weight of 100 fruits is 60 – 110 g*. In Latvia ripens at the beginning of September, harvesting period until fruits get overripened is about two weeks. Comparatively resistant against fungal and bacterial pathogens.** Fruits are used for juice production. Detaching index of frozen fruits is 90.***

* Weight of fruits depends on availability of water and nutrients
** Resistance of sea buckthorn against pathogens Verticillium dahliae ,Stygmina sp., Pseudomonas sp. depends on conformity of varieties to climate and proper conditions of growing.
*** Detaching index of frozen fruits indicates how many percents of fruits fall off from defoliated fruit branch, that has been frozen to – 25°C and thrown down to solid metallic plate from height of 1 m. It is important parameter, when fruits are shaken off from frozen branches. As larger the index, as easier is proces.

Middle sized shrub with reddish brown colour of shoots. Few thorns , average number of thorns on 10 cm of shoot length is 2,4. Fruits located on sparse clusters, dark yellow. Very large fruits, weight of 100 fruits is 70 – 120 g. Due to sparse location fruits are easy to pick by fingers, though total yield is a little lower. In Latvia ripens at the end of September, harvesting period until fruits get overripened is about two weeks. Late harvested fruits have high content of soluble dry matter, Brix 120. Low acidity of fruits allow to use them as dessert. Very resistant against fungal and bacterial pathogens, no signs of diseases has been registered in Latvia since 2003. Fruits are used for juice production and fresh consumption. Nordic crossbreed genes make this variety suitable for growing in colder regions.

Pollinator. Tall shrub with narrow crown and light grey hard shoots. High rate of pollen germination – 85%. Long blossoming time, in Latvia about 10 days, overlapping with all described female varieties. Comparatively resistant against fungal and bacterial pathogens.